Forum dédié au moteur de recherche et aux techniques d'optimisation par #taggle
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Pages: 1
1. créer un site un peu bidon, mais susceptible de tromper un oeil rapide … ient=opera
What is is a research project started by a group of Russian candidates from the cities of Saint-Petersburg, Nizhnii Novgorod and Novosibirsk. The project serves as a testing ground for information search technologies and programs, developed by a group of young scientists. was started as the means of simplifying the search of specific information at the sites that can be found with the help of general-purpose...
2. lancer son robot scrapeur, avec un user agent propre renvoyant vers le site
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;; +
3. tromper les webmasters pendant six mois.
4. L'arnaque finit par se faire repérer ( … 462385.htm )
5. Rinse, Repeat
What is LiteFinder Network Crawler?
LiteFinder Network Crawler is a research project started by a group of Indian candidates from the cities of Bangalore, Patna and Jaipur. The project serves as a testing ground for information search technologies and programs, developed by a group of young scientists. LiteFinder Network Crawler was started as the means of simplifying the search of specific inform
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Siddartha a �crit:
excellent !
Excellent !
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Simple et efficace
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Pages: 1